About tellervo


From the moment I heard about soap making, I was intrigued. And after trying it for the first time, I was hooked. Even though my first soap was made with canola oil - needless to say, it wasn’t that great. It didn’t lather and it was very slimy.

This sent me on an interesting journey on learning how to formulate and make the best soaps possible. After lots of experiments and research, I’m now happy to teach you what I’ve learned.

I think soap making is so fun because there are endless possibilities and you never know how the end result turns out. There are so many new things to learn and ingredients and techniques to try out. It never gets boring!

My absolute favorite thing about soap making is the creativity of it. Something lights up inside me when I get to express my creativity through soap making and share it with you.

I’m also obsessed with natural colorants. Just the thought of mother nature providing us with the most beautiful, vibrant colors makes me so happy and excited. It never ceases to amaze me❣️

I have been dreaming of growing some of my own natural dyes successfully and I’m hoping this will be the year because I finally have a place to grow lots of things!

When I’m not making soap or editing videos I love to spend time in nature, take care of the garden, spoil Molly, read, and go thrifting.


Molly is my dear assistant and quality controller. She’s a mini pinscher and already 11 years old!

Her favorite activities are eating, swimming, cuddling, licking faces, playing with the toys she has approved (you know, not all of them make it through the screening process), running around in circles, and chasing rabbits, deer, birds & anything that you throw to her.

Molly is super loving and sweet, but she really knows how to test your patience too.

The thing about Molly is she just loves food. She almost has a panic attack every time we open the fridge & when we eat she stares at us with big puppy eyes the entire time, licking her lips and looking out for crumbs.

She loves going outside most of the time, but for some reason every time I go get the pet lead, she runs away and hides somewhere.

Whenever I sit on the couch, Molly will jump next to me and start scratching me with her paw - looking at me like ‘Don’t you understand what I want?’ - until I cover her with a blanket. Then she’s satisfied, and after a while she’ll start snoring. She just loves sleeping under the covers!

Despite her being slightly annoying at times, she makes up for it with her cuteness & we all love her very much💕