Experience the joy of creating your own soap from scratch

Fresh soaps is available now

A guide to making cold process soap with fresh, natural ingredients.

  • "I absolutely love the soap formulator's workbook and regularly refer to it as I am formulating my own recipes! Its beautifully laid out and easy to understand and follow. Thanks for this great resource!"


  • "I'm grateful for the knowledge! Now I can formulate my own soap!" Thank you!"


  • Amazing book, wonderful presentation, precise information and useful. From A to Z on soap making. Worth every inch. Very grateful for this book."


  • "Simple, elegant, and easy to read. It opens up a better understanding of fatty acids and there for what ingredients I'd like to combine. It's a book to revisit several times."


  • "This soap formulator book is amazing, I have been making soap since 2015, and I've bought a lot of books, but this one I've found to be the best book. It's simple but yet gives me so much information I didn't know I needed. I love it!!!"


  • "I really enjoyed reading the workbook. I found it well written and easy to understand. It helped me a lot to understand the process. The part of categorizing the oils is extremely useful."


  • "Love it! The book really gives beginners a chance to learn and explore."


  • "I have watched and read numerous times on formulating soap recipes, but none of them are as clearer to understand than your instructions!! Finally I get it and am so thankful for your way of explaining everything."


  • "Love The workbook! Very informative and straight forward. Finally understood water discount. Highly recommended!"


  • "I really enjoy and appreciate the workbook and I was able to learn a lot about the different oils, fatty acids and how to formulate recipes."
